This is a Florist shop that I have designed and mostly built myself.
The planning stage took quite a while. I started by drawing a rough sketch of what I would like the finished shop to look like and then where the stairs would go. Then I worked out the maximum width and depth I could have for the space where it is going to live. Now came the tricky part, working out all the measurements, that’s where my design came unstuck. The stairs would not fit in the space I had, the way I wanted them set out. Husband to the rescue and he made a few suggestions. This meant a new set of calculations. By now it was looking good on paper. However another problem presented itself, as I was using MDF, it was suggested that all joins and floors should be rebated in. Back to the drawing board for another set of measurements to allow for the tongue and groove. Several weeks later my final plans were finished and I was off to buy the 9mm MDF.
My father is going to cut out the MDF as he has the equipment and safety wear that is needed when cutting it. 7 days later I brought home the cut-out MDF. It now has to be primed with a 1 part pva glue and 5 part water mix, this seals in any vapours and primes the surface for decorating.
The decorating is easier to do before assembling the house. Next problem I go to Hobby craft to buy a transformer for the lighting, but when I get it back I discover that inside the box is a less powerful one than I paid for, so back to them the next day. Not very helpful when I took it back, no apologies the assistant just said go choose another one then come back here. Well as you can guess no more on the shelf and she didn\’t even bother to check in the stockroom! I had my money back and since have ordered the same one online £5 cheaper. I will put the links to two very good suppliers at the bottom of the page.

23rd August 2004: Today I finished all the priming with pva, water solution, hopefully when it has dried I can start painting what will be the ceilings. When doing this I must be very careful not to get any paint in the grooves or surfaces that will be glued later.
24th August 2004: Wow what service the stairs, doors and skirting have arrived from one company and the transformer and lights from the other! I painted the ceilings today and hope to get the paint later to start on the walls. Cut out the door ways in the partitioning walls. I did the first one by hand but it was hard work so I got my husband to do the rest with the jigsaw.

25th August 2004: Started painting the walls . This takes time as I have to wait a couple of hours between coats of paint and it needs 3 coats to look really good, I hope to finish the last floor tomorrow as the daylight is fading now. I find it best to paint in natural light. I also cut out the side moulding for the stairs. I haven’t made up my mind whether to varnish or paint the doors.
26th August 2004: Finished painting the walls and marked out the places to drill for the lights. I am going to varnish the doors, but it is to late in the day now as the fumes will kill our tropical fish, so I will do it on a dry day.

27th August 2004. Varnished the doors today, I am glad I did they look good!

29th August 2004. I put the doors in the partition walls and drilled all the holes for the lighting and pilot holes for the nails. Rob helped me put the main carcass together. I am going to let the glue dry before I put in the partitions.
1st September 2004. I have done a lot of work and can’t remember which days , first set of stairs are complete and need varnishing, started the 2nd set. All lighting in and working, room partitions are in place.
4th September 2004. I am still varnishing the stairs, it is taking time as the varnish has to dry over night between coats. Started to cut out the skirting today ready for varnishing. I also made a template for the wall for the under stairs loo. I hope to cut that out tomorrow.
11th September 2004: I received the windows, coving, door knobs and railings today, so more work painting them before they can be put in the house.
12th September 2004: I started working on the flooring. I am using real wood veneer, I first of all cut a template from card to the size of the room. To this I glue the sheet of veneer. Once the glue is thoroughly dry I then scored the floorboards in with a blunt scraper and then defined the scoring with a brown felt pen. I then sanded it down to a smooth finish and put on the first coat of varnish. It now has to dry over night before I can apply the second coat.
25th October2004: Sorry there have been no recent updates, I cut my hand with a chisel. It has healed now though still painful. Now back working on the house with a vengeance. First of all the stair ways are finished and the partition for the Staff loo is in place.
Dad has cut out the holes for the windows and doors.

My next job is to paint and varnish door and windows. Also I have to make the shop window myself as I couldn’t find any the size I wanted.Progress on the main door.
Shop window is now being made. The first picture is the moulding I am using for the inner frame and the second picture is the frame being made. I then insert acetate to represent the glass and then glue in all the window frames and doors. The main shop is finished and it will be an ongoing project to furnish it. Meanwhile I have started building the mirror image of this house except it will be the living accomodation so there will be no shop window. Below is the photo of the finished shop.