
I first learnt to crochet when I was about 9 years old. I taught myself as mum couldn’t crochet although she was a good knitter. I started by making a blanket for my dolls, then ponchos became the latest fashion, so I had a go and made myself a red and black one, even putting tastles on the bottom.

My first crochet poncho
My first crochet poncho.When I was about 13.






I made some blankets for a local old peoples home as part of a project at school. When I had my daughter all her cot and pram blankets were crocheted and I have recently made a couple of thicker ones using chunky wool, for a disabled friend of mine, who couldn’t get blankets the right size, bought ones got caught up in her wheelchair wheels.

At the end of  summer term, several years ago the teacher I worked with left, she gave me a gift of a crobot pattern book, as a thank you for my help. She knew I would prefer that to chocolates etc. I have just started to make them and here are the first few.  So if you like the look of them and fancy ago here is the name of the book and author.

Crobots by Nelly Pailloux isbn 978-1-907332-01-2.

Here are some outfits that I crocheted for my reborn dolls.

Blankets, Shawls and Cardigans

Other Projects.


For Halloween I found this great pattern from Fiber Figments, for a cat skeleton. I managed to get hold of some glow in the dark yarn. I could only get that in DK so he turned out larger than I expected, Anyway here are two photos of Bonesy. If you like unusual patterns take a look at her webpage, she has some great patterns there at what I think is a good price.

This is another of her patterns. I am going to do all the options that are on the pattern, so that in the spring I can have a pixie group in the garden with the spring flowers. There are different wing shapes and hairstyles and two sizes of ears.